Officers of the Board
Thomas J. Groark Jr., Chair. Of Counsel, Day Pitney, LLP
Roger Klene, M’90, Vice Chair, President and Chief Executive Officer, Mott Corporation
Lucille M. Nickerson, Vice Chair. President, Nickerson-Zegarelli Consultants, LLC
Emily Audibert ’13, Student Regent, University of Hartford
Kathleen Behrens ’85, Executive Vice President, National Basketball League
Nancy Botcheller, Seoul, Korea
Cecilia Calhoun ’72, Owner, Acorn Designs
Kay Knight Clarke, President, Templeton, Ltd.
Alison Coolbrith ’65, Principal, A&B Enterprises
Robert Feld ’69, ’72, Wellington, Fla.
Stanley Fellman, D.D.S., West Hartford, Conn.
Robert Forrester ’66, Vice Chairman, Newman’s Own Foundation
Donald Frahm, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer (retired), Hartford Financial Services Group
Dominic Fulco III ’81, Attorney, Reid and Riege, P.C.
Nicholas F. Galluccio ’72, President and Chief Executive Officer, Teton Advisors, Inc.
Joxel Garcia ’99, President and Dean, Ponce School of Medicine
David Gordon, Senior Vice President, Cigna Health Care
Michael Gotlieb D’12, Graduate Student Regent, University of Hartford
Arnold C. Greenberg (Hon. ’89), Private Investor and Business Consultant
Susan Denise Harris, President, Amish Artisans, Inc.
Walter Harrison, President, University of Hartford
Walter Hauck ’81, Vice President, IT, Dunn & Bradstreet
Francis Hursey ’73, ’77, President, On Site Gas Systems; President, Z-Medica Corporation
Peter Kelly, Senior Principal, Updike, Kelly & Spellacy, PC
The Honorable Robert K. Killian Jr., Judge of Probate, District of Hartford
Tai Soo Kim, FAIA, Tai Soo Kim Partners
Deborah Koltenuk, West Hartford, Conn.
Patricia A. McKinley ’72, Cheshire, Conn.
Bobbi McNeil ’94, Operations Manager of Imaging Services, Hartford Hospital
Susan Miller, Managing Shareholder, Skelley Rottner, PC
Marjorie Morrissey ’78, Hartford, Conn.
Donald Osborne ’77, Principal, Automotive Valuation Services, Donald Osborne, LLC
Charles E. Pagano Jr. ’84, Executive Vice President, Technology, ESPN
Rita Parisi, CEO, Eastern Rehabilitation Network; Vice President, Rehabilitation Services, Hartford Hospital
Om Ramrakhiani ’12, Student Regent, University of Hartford
Thomas Reich, Managing General Partner, D&R Investment Partnership
Curtis D. Robinson, President and Chief Executive Officer, C&R Development Company
Rosalie Roth, Principal, Roth Associates
Renée Samuels, West Hartford, Conn.
Peter Schauer ’71, Division Chief, Medical Oncology, Hartford Hospital
Philip Schonberger, Managing Member, Albermarle Equities, LLC
John C. Shaw ’74, Managing Director, Resource Holdings, Ltd.
Linda Fisher Silpe M’65, Manalapan, Fla.
Bruce Simons, Principal, Simons Real Estate Group
Paul Sittard ’85, Global Field Technical Sales Manager, Microbridge Technologies Corporation
Brian Smith, Partner, Robinson & Cole, LLP
Philip A. Streifer ’71, Superintendent of Schools, Bristol, Conn.
John Sunde, Corporate Director of Managed Care, Baystate Health System
Thomas Trillo ’79, Chief Operating Officer, Ridgefield Capital Asset Management
Jennifer Smith Turner, CEO, Girl Scouts of Connecticut
Gerald Vitkauskas ’64, President (retired), AIG Credit Corporation
Arnold West, Senior Vice President, ING Investment Management
John Wheat, Strategic Marketing Consultant, Wheat and Associates
Eliot Williams, Principal, The New England Guild
Honorary and Life Regents
Faisal Y. Al-Marzook ’67, Al-Marzook United Commercial Co., Kuwait
Sawsan Awwad ’09, Nazareth, Israel
Wallace Barnes (Hon. ’88), Sky Bight Partners, Bristol, Conn.
Edward B. Bates (Hon. ’76), Ocean Ridge, Fla.
Stillman B. Brown (Hon. ’90), Stonington, Conn.
Richard Cardin ’62, Groton, Conn.
Rhoda Chase, West Hartford, Conn.
Peter Eio (Hon ’09), President (retired), LEGO Systems, Inc.
Grace Ellsworth (Hon. ’77), Simsbury, Conn.
George Gentile ’59, ’69, Chairman, Board of Gerber Scientific, Inc.
Helen B. Gray, Farmington, Conn.
Morton E. Handel (Hon. ’02), Chairman of the Board, Marvel Enterprises, Inc.
Joan Kohn, Bloomfield, Conn.
Simon Konover, Chairman, Konover Investments Corp.
Kent B. McCray ’51, President/Executive Producer, Ten-K Productions]\
Susan McCray, Vice President, Producer/Casting Director, Ten-K Productions
Patricia A. McKinley ’72, Cheshire, Conn.
Denis F. Mullane (Hon. ’93), Mullane Enterprises
Joseph F. Mulready Jr. ’71, Principal, Mulready & Associates, Inc.
The Honorable Jon O. Newman (Hon. ’75), Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
G. Robert O’Brien ’66, Niantic, Conn.
Belle K. Ribicoff, Hartford, Conn.
David Schupp ’63, Chairman, Schupp & Grochmal
Robert Simons, Principal, Simons Real Estate Corp.
DeRoy C. Thomas (Hon. ’83), West Hartford, Conn.
Jean-Pierre van Rooy, Chairman (retired), Otis Elevator Co.
George Weiss, President, George Weiss Associates, Inc. |