Mar 12, 2025
2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
UISS 210 - The Story Behind the Story: News across Media Platforms 3 credit(s) Why do star athletes’ salary negotiations get covered more thoroughly in the news than Supreme Court decisions? Do social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, merely capture and disseminate news and information, or have social media moved into the category of newsmakers? This course stimulates awareness of how news is collected and transmitted, develops critical thinking about issues and events, and broadens the understanding of one’s own and others’ cultures. The conventions of both traditional and emerging digital news formats are examined in order to provide insights into the “grammar” of news media. Students learn the critical tools of visual and rhetorical analysis; consider the political, economic, and historical contexts in which the media function; and consider the various interest groups that support, consume, and influence the media. This integrative course focuses on the cultural, ethical, political, and social influence and impact of the news media. (Formerly AUCS 210)
Click here for Fall 2024 course scheduling information.
Click here for Spring 2025 course scheduling information.