2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
ECE 482P - Capstone Design I 2 credit(s) High Impact Practice: Capstone (with ECE 483W) The capstone design project for Electrical and Computer Engineering majors is a group project that treats a single significant engineering problem. In this course, the students develop a proposal for a project which is based on the knowledge and skills acquired in earlier course work. The students analyze the project in terms of incorporating engineering standards and realistic constraints that include most of the following considerations: economic, environmental, sustainability, manufacturing, ethical, health and safety, social, and political. The course lecture component includes design methodology (including probability and statistics), cost estimation, and safety. (Letter grade only) Prerequisite(s): Senior standing and permission of instructor.
(Note: Permission to enroll is normally granted to students who have completed ECE 332 , ECE 362 , ECE 382 , ES 342 , and at least two of the following: CS 220P ,ECE 336 , ECE 341 , ECE 351 . Enrollment is limited to those students expecting to perform their senior project during the following semester.)
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Click here for Spring 2025 course scheduling information.