Mar 06, 2025  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

ADT 355 - Strength of Materials for Technology

4 credit(s)
Theory and application of engineering mechanics are studied. The use of free-body diagrams and static equilibrium of forces is emphasized. Included are moment of forces, resultant of forces, couple systems, and transmissibility of forces. The relation between externally applied loads and induced internal forces within structural members is investigated. Analysis of statically determinate structures, such as trusses and beams, is studied. Axial, shear, and bending moment diagrams and their relationship are introduced and reviewed in depth. In the second part of the course, discussed are stress-and-strain distributions over the critical cross-section of structural members subjected to axial forces, bending moments, and torsion. The stress-strain relationship for an axially loaded member is investigated experimentally and analytically. The interrelation between normal stress and shear stress is also analytically and graphically studied. Analysis of statically indeterminate structures using deformation compatibility is introduced. Beam-deflection calculation methods are discussed, with emphasis on using the moment-area method. Use of computers through spreadsheet programming is required. Three lecture hours, and three lab hours.
Prerequisite(s): MTH 112 , MTH 122  and PHY 122 , or permission of instructor or chair.
Laboratory fee.

Click here for Fall 2024 course scheduling information.

Click here for Spring 2025 course scheduling information.