2015-2016 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Entrepreneurial Studies
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Professors Coleman, Fairfield-Sonn
Associate Professor Naoumova
Assistant Professor Generas
The majority of new job openings in the United States today are in small businesses, and most successful business leaders display a great deal of entrepreneurial behavior. Entrepreneurial studies is an interdisciplinary major that focuses on the tools needed to start a new business, expand a family business, lead innovation efforts in a corporate environment, or become a top manager in a fast-growing enterprise.
As part of the business core, students take upper-division business requirements, including Introduction to Marketing, Managing Organizational Behavior, Business Finance, and Operations Management. The major program then begins with a Principles of Entrepreneurship seminar, and continues with upper-level courses in all of the business disciplines, including Marketing Communications, Small-Business Finance, Accounting/Tax for Small Business, and Business Law. The capstone Seminar in Entrepreneurship pulls it all together, giving students an opportunity to complete a professional business plan that can be implemented to start a new venture of their own creation.
ProgramsUndergraduate Major(s)Minor(s)Courses
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