Oct 28, 2024  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Hillyer College

Hillyer College presents a unique opportunity for a select group of students who wish to enhance their academic potential through a two-year Associate in Arts (A.A.) program in preparation for completion of the baccalaureate degree.

The college is founded on the premise that many students can benefit from an intensive, carefully structured liberal arts program that features additional academic support. The curriculum prepares students to enter the last two years of a bachelor’s degree program at the University’s other schools and colleges, as well as many other baccalaureate institutions.

Because the college is fundamentally a traditional liberal arts program, students seeking admission to the college should have followed a standard college preparatory program in high school. The first-year core curriculum includes course work in English, history, mathematics, social sciences, the humanities, and academic strategies. Courses in academic strategies assist first-year students in the development and application of effective learning strategies and critical reading and analytic skills necessary for academic success. Students in their sophomore year are provided with a broader array of course options, including the opportunity to take courses outside of the college if they qualify academically. Also, the college has developed a number of field studies and service learning opportunities designed to provide qualified sophomores with a variety of rich, nontraditional learning experiences.

Small classes of usually fewer than 20 students and close interaction between students and faculty form the cornerstone of the college’s success. Through regular classroom interaction and a well-established student advising program, the faculty have continual involvement in the academic development of students.

By means of a rigorous liberal arts program and a supportive environment, Hillyer College offers a solid academic foundation that has benefited young men and women for more than 30 years.


Hillyer College administrative offices and programs are located in Hillyer Hall, where the offices of the dean, faculty, and professional staff are housed. The college operates two computer learning centers in the building. The Computer-Assisted Learning Center is on the second floor, and the college’s portion of the Herbert Gilman Center for Communication Technology is on the third floor. These centers serve students in English, mathematics, economics, biology, academic strategies, and other disciplines within the curriculum. The college’s Academic Strategies Center is on the first floor.

As part of the University community, the college uses classrooms at various locations around the campus. It also uses the biology laboratories in the ISET building and the computer centers in that building and elsewhere on campus. Students may also use the Center for Reading and Writing in Auerbach Hall.

Admission of Students

Basis of Selection

In making its selections, the Committee on Admission considers the student in relation to the following criteria: academic performance in secondary school, the recommendation of the secondary school principal or guidance counselor, results of the Scholastic Assessment Test of the College Entrance Examination Board or of the American Testing Program, character, evidence of desire to succeed, and leadership exhibited in curricular and extracurricular activities.

The capabilities of the applicants are evaluated with particular regard to academic potential, seriousness of purpose, and a sense of responsibility.

Prospective students are encouraged to visit the college and discuss their educational plans. Requests for personal interviews should be made to the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance, 860.768.4296.

Admission Requirements

A candidate for admission to Hillyer College must be a graduate of, or a student who prior to matriculation will be graduated from, an accredited secondary school.

Sixteen units of secondary subjects are expected, with a minimum of 14 in college preparatory subjects, including the following:

English 4 units
Mathematics (normally through intermediate algebra) 2 units
History 1 unit
Science (normally biology) 1 unit
Social Studies 2 units

Two or more units of a foreign language are desirable.

Student Financial Assistance

Hillyer College participates in the University’s financial assistance program for men and women of good character who show academic promise but lack the necessary financial means for obtaining a college education. Procedures for filing are outlined in this Bulletin under Student Financial Assistance.

Honors Experience

Hillyer students are invited to participate in Hillyer honors at the end of their first semester if they have completed 15 credits with a GPA of 3.0 or better. Thereafter, students may join the honors experience when they have attained a GPA of 3.0 and maintain full-time status. To continue in Hillyer honors, students must maintain this GPA and a full-time course load each semester.

To complete the honors experience at Hillyer College a student must take at least 9 credits of honors courses and maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher and grades of B or better in all honors courses. In addition, at least 6 credits must be taken either from the honors courses listed for Hillyer College or as Hillyer contract honors courses. A student may use an honors course offered in any of the other colleges for the remaining 3 credits. First-year honors-eligible students may enroll in HONB 110 - Humanities Honors Seminar  during the spring semester. Second-year honors-eligible students may enroll in HONB 200 - Science Honors Seminar  and/or HONB 210 - Winterterm Honors Experience . Completion of these courses with a grade of 3.0 or higher will result in honors credit.

Academic Regulations

The following regulations apply only to Hillyer College. For a general description of University academic regulations, see the section Academic Regulations .


Because students must attend classes regularly in order to contribute to and benefit from classes, the college requires regular class attendance. Each student is expected to abide by the attendance policy articulated in the syllabus for each course in which he or she is enrolled.

Withdrawing from Core Courses

The core of first-year and second-year courses is specifically designed to provide a carefully structured liberal arts program. Therefore, students enrolled in core courses may not withdraw from any core course during the first eight weeks of a semester without the express approval of the faculty member involved and the dean.

Grading System

Grades are reported and recorded each mid-semester and again at the end of each semester. Mid-semester grades are mailed to the student’s home address. For an interpretation of grades, see Grades . Students in Hillyer College are not permitted to register for a course on a Pass/No Pass basis (except physical education courses), unless it is a course in the college offered only on that basis.

Academic Standards

The academic progress of first-year students is informally evaluated at the end of the fall semester. Warning letters are sent to students who have unsatisfactory grade point averages and/or have completed fewer than 12 credits of course work. The academic progress of each Hillyer College student is formally evaluated at the end of the spring semester of the first year and at the end of each subsequent semester. Students who do not make satisfactory qualitative or quantitative academic progress will be placed on probation, removed from degree candidacy, or dismissed; and, as a result, may lose financial aid.

Qualitative Progress

The table below summarizes the qualitative criteria the Hillyer College Academic Standing Committee uses in reviewing each student’s academic standing.

Quantitative Progress

In addition to maintaining a satisfactory grade point average, full-time students must complete 24 credits of course work by the end of their first year and 48 credits by the end of their second year to make satisfactory quantitative progress

Minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average
Total Credits
(earned, transferred, failed)
Academic Status 15 or fewer 16–30 31–45 46+

Satisfactory progress 1.7 or above 1.8 or above 1.9 or above 2.0 or above
Probation 1.2–1.69 1.3–1.79 1.4–1.89 1.5–1.99
Dismissal below 1.2 below 1.3 below 1.4 below 1.5

Students who are on probation and who do not make substantial progress toward removing themselves will be removed from degree candidacy (RDC). In addition, students who do not complete the requirements for the A.A. degree by the end of four full-time semesters may be removed from degree candidacy, unless their performance qualifies them for dismissal or a fifth semester. A fourth-semester student on quantitative probation, having a GPA of 2.0 or higher and within 12–15 credits of earning an Associate in Arts, may be afforded a fifth semester rather than being placed on RDC. Students who have been removed from degree candidacy are no longer matriculated in Hillyer College and may continue at the University for only 15 more credits of study, on a part-time basis, through the Center for Graduate and Adult Academic Services. A student who has been on academic probation for two consecutive semesters, and who has failed to remove him- or herself from probation by the end of the second consecutive semester, is eligible for academic dismissal. A student whose record is substantially below the standard may be dismissed at the end of any semester except the first semester.

Appeals of Probation or Dismissal

Students who are newly placed on probation or who have been dismissed have the right to appeal the decision to the college’s Academic Standing Committee if they encountered extenuating circumstances during the semester that contributed to their poor performance.

Courses Outside of the College

Sophomores with a 2.50 - 2.99 cumulative grade point average are eligible to take one (1) course per semester outside of Hillyer College without special permission. Sophomores with an overall grade point average of 3.00 or above may take two (2) courses outside of Hillyer College without special permission. Students taking courses outside of Hillyer College must comply with prerequisites. This may be in the area of the student’s intended major or a special interest course. This is in addition to a foreign language or a computer course beyond CSB 110 - Computer Concepts . Students wishing to take classes outside of Hillyer College that do not meet the overall grade point average restrictions may file an appeal with the Academic Standing Committee of the College.  Students should consult with their advisor in terms of the manner in which courses taken outside of Hillyer College will count in the curriculum.

First-year students who want to undertake foreign language study may do so. Students wishing to take science courses not offered by the college should consult with their advisor and/or the assistant dean.

Transfer to Four-Year College Programs

Hillyer College students who meet the requirements for graduation with the Associate in Arts normally may transfer into the junior year of one of the four-year colleges of the University of Hartford, such as the College of Arts and Sciences, the Barney School of Business, or others.

The program of Hillyer College has been established to meet the first-year and second-year general education requirements of most liberal arts colleges.

Candidates who have a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 or higher and who meet other stated requirements are best qualified for transfer consideration. A minimum grade of C (2.0) is required for transfer of individual course credit at the undergraduate level to most four-year programs at other academic institutions.

General Information

Student Services

The college provides for all of its students a variety of services, including instruction in reading and learning skills, academic guidance and counseling, peer tutoring, and placement testing.

Each first-year student is assigned an advisor who is a member of the faculty of the college. Advisors help their advisees plan their academic program and make decisions concerning various academic issues; they also provide information about the college and University policies and programs. Sophomores either continue working with their first-year advisor or are reassigned to a full-time faculty member in whose course they are enrolled during the fall semester. These faculty members advise sophomores on such issues as progress toward the degree, academic standing, and transferring to baccalaureate programs. Career guidance is provided by the University’s Career Center and advisors.

Hillyer College Faculty

Professors Doane, Goldenberg, Major, Ritvo, Seabury, Shepela
Associate Professors Bullard, Churchill, Dryden, Firkatian, Fister, Griswold, Horvath, Mayer, Miceli, Misovich, O’Mara, Rauche, Robinson, Scribner, Sekou, Troy, Williamson, Wyllie
Assistant Professors Altvater, Ashuntantang, Blett, Daigle, Horwitz, Meinke, K. Moran, L. Moran, Tejada, Wasko, Wolfe
Instructors Cibes, Cloutier, Dello Iacono, Wagar
Emeriti Auten, Camp, Delventhal, Fitzmaurice, Fisher, Greenwood, Jepsen, Katz, Lugli, Streitfeld, Sukosky
