Jan 12, 2025  
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin 
2013-2014 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Other Academic Opportunities

Other Academic Opportunities

University Scholar Program. Selected students may be permitted to work on a tutorial basis with a senior professor. Application for admission to this program should be made through the office of the dean of the school in which the student is enrolled. All basic requirements of the school must normally be met by the time the student enters the University Scholar program, and students need not take regularly scheduled courses while they are University Scholars. Requirements in a major field may be modified to allow for intensive study of selected topics. Applications for this individual study program may be made after one resident year at the University. Approval must be secured each semester for continuation in this program.

R. C. Knox Center for Insurance Studies. As part of the Barney School’s graduate and undergraduate degree programs, the Center for Insurance Studies provides information and advice to all students interested in careers in the field of insurance. Special programs are also sponsored by the R. C. Knox Center on important issues currently facing the field.

The Theodore D. Veru Program in Business Excellence is an endowed program established in 1994 by Peter Veru to honor his father, an alumnus of the University and a member of the board of regents. This program hosts an annual spring dinner for deans, faculty, and approximately 70 invited undergraduate students, at which alumni and nonalumni business professionals present their observations, insights, and experiences as they relate to career opportunities and patterns.

ROTC. The University of Hartford, through a cross-enrollment arrangement with the University of Connecticut, offers full-time students the opportunity to participate in Army or Air Force ROTC. Army military courses are taken at the Hartford branch of the University of Connecticut, while Air Force courses are offered only on the Storrs campus.

Entering scholarships, applied for while in high school, are possible for AFROTC and for AROTC. Army ROTC four-year scholarships may now be used at an extension or cross-enrolled school. During the freshman and sophomore years, a non-scholarship student may participate in ROTC without military obligation after graduation, and there is no stipend paid to the student.

Admission to the upper level is limited and competitive based on college grade point average and performance in military courses. Enrollment at the upper level does involve a stipend and obligation for service.

Registration and program information may be obtained in the Office of Admission and Student Financial Assistance or the Registrar’s Office.

Women’s Education and Leadership Fund.  The Women’s Education and Leadership Fund (WELFund) is a community of women and men who believe that advancing the potential of women is a personal and professional priority.  Rooted in the historic legacy of Hartford College for Women, WELFund benefits women in all their diversity through grants, scholarships, leadership development programs, and inspiring conversations and events that build community.  WELFund was established in 2006 to foster and support University initiatives that enhance the educations of women, empower women to lead, and enrich the University community and beyond.  To learn more about WELFund and its grant and scholarship opportunities, visit www.hartford.edu/welfund.

Dorothy Goodwin Summer Scholars Program.  Educator, politician, world traveler, University of Hartford regent, and Hartford College for Women (HCW) trustee, Dorothy Goodwin inspired women and girls to live beyond limitations, to exercise their full potential.  She recognized that reaching one’s potential requires challenging opportunities, committed mentors and financial support.  In her honor, the Women’s Education and Leadership Fund (WELFund) at the University of Hartford annually awards Dorothy Goodwin scholarships to a select group of female students.  Sophomore and junior women are invited to propose innovative scholarly research or creative summer projects in partnership with University faculty.  Goodwin Scholars receive generous stipends, mentoring, leadership development, and professional etiquette education.  Faculty mentors receive a stipend toward professional development.  For additional information, visit www.hartford.edu/welfund.

Washington Semester Program. The University of Hartford is affiliated with the Washington Semester Program through American University, which is an academic experiential learning program that includes 8 credits of academic seminar in one of 11 topic areas, 4 credits of internship, and 3-4 credits of independent research or elective course. The seminar will give students the chance to meet professionals who are knee-deep in the fields they are studying and enable them to gain valuable expert insight. The internship provides students with real-world work experience while making connections with leaders in Washington, D.C. The specialized programs of study include American Politics, Global Economics and Business, Foreign Policy, International Environment and Development, International Law and Organizations, Journalism, Justice and Law, The Middle East and World Affairs, Peace and Conflict Resolution and Transforming Communities.  For information, contact the International Center, Gengras Student Union 328, 860.768.5100.

Study Abroad Programs. Students are encouraged to study abroad during their time at the University of Hartford. An international experience enables students to obtain first-hand experience in other country and culture and helps to expand their world view. This kind of global perspective, no matter what field, adds value to a degree program and can enhance future employment opportunities.

Students from all colleges can participate in study abroad with the proper planning. A cumulative GPA of 2.5 or higher and sophomore standing are required of any student going abroad. Students are encouraged to begin looking into the study abroad process as early as possible as some academic programs require more planning than others. Visiting the Study Abroad Office during freshman year is highly recommended.

Semester and year-long programs are available in dozens of countries through our affiliate partners and enable students to earn University of Hartford credit while abroad. Students can select to take courses in the native language or in English and coursework is available in most majors as well as internship and service-learning opportunities. Studying abroad through an affiliate partner enables students to remain enrolled at the University, to continue to pay University of Hartford tuition and to apply University grants and scholarships, as well as federal and state financial aid, toward study abroad. The Study Abroad Office works closely with students to plan the finances of study abroad including comparing the costs of various programs and scholarship opportunities that are available.

The University of Hartford also offers summer, spring break and winter short-term programs in a variety of disciplines and countries. These programs are led by University faculty and enable students to earn academic credit during 1-3 weeks abroad. The programs enable students who are in highly structured academic programs or deeply involved in campus activities to study abroad.

For information, contact the International Center, Gengras Student Union 328, 860.768.5100 or visit www.hartford.edu/studyabroad.

International Center. The International Center, located in Gengras Student Union 327, coordinates and facilitates activities promoting international education, international awareness, and a culturally diverse learning environment. It is responsible for study abroad programs, international student orientation and programming, faculty/staff exchanges, student exchanges, and workshops, seminars, and conferences related to international education. The International Center advises students on study abroad and provides non-academic advising to international students. It also coordinates internationally related activities with various local, national, and international institutions, organizations, and agencies, as well as assists in the identification of external resources for the promotion of international education and language competency at the University.

John G. Martin Scholarship Program. The program, modeled after the Rhodes and Marshall Scholarships, gives a University of Hartford graduating senior the opportunity to study on scholarship for one or two years at Oxford University. Each year, Hertford College of Oxford University reserves one place in its incoming class for our graduate. The student is given “senior status,” thereby typically making it possible for him or her to complete a “final honours” school program and earn an Oxford B.A. in two years. Students earning an Oxford B.A. are entitled to receive an M.A. without further examination approximately seven years after matriculation. Alternatively, students are increasingly opting to matriculate directly into a graduate degree program at Oxford. The scholarships are based in part on need.

The University of Hartford will select graduating seniors as candidates for the program. The University’s selection committee will forward nomination materials for these students to the faculty of Hertford College, who will select the annual scholarship recipient. The deadline for students to apply for the program is November 1. For more information, contact the John G. Martin Scholarship Program, Dean of Undergraduate Studies, University of Hartford, West Hartford, CT 06117; 860.768.4696.

Stephen Joel Trachtenberg Scholarships/Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A Trachtenberg scholarship fund, established in cooperation with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, normally provides on an annual basis one or more scholarships to exceptional University of Hartford undergraduate students. The recipients of these scholarships will spend eleven months in Israel while attending classes for overseas students at the Rothberg School of the Hebrew University located on Mount Scopus, the main campus of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Intensive Hebrew language training is provided during the first weeks of the academic year, but classes are taught in English at the Rothberg School. These scholarships are highly competitive, but University of Hartford students are given preference. Applications and additional information about the program can be obtained at the Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies.

Maurice Greenberg Center for Judaic Studies and Chair in Judaic Studies. The Center for Judaic Studies is an integral academic program within the College of Arts and Sciences. Founded with a major endowment, the center promotes the scholarly and objective study of Judaism. The center’s director holds the Greenberg Professorship in Judaic Studies and a dual appointment in the Department of History.

Concentrations. The center administers the major and minor in Judaic studies, which includes courses in the history, culture, language, and law of Judaism. These concentrations are multi-disciplinary and provide each concentrator with a firm historical foundation and an opportunity to specialize in a particular area of Judaic studies.

Courses. The center oversees all Judaic studies courses, including language courses offered at the University through the Hebrew College, Hartford branch. The center has a Trachtenberg Scholarship to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and similar exchange programs at other Israeli universities.

Public Offerings. The Greenberg Center sponsors numerous public lectures and periodic symposia on the full range of Judaic Studies. These presentations highlight internationally known scholars and are open to the University community and the public.

Archaeological Excavation. During Winterterm and Summerterm, the University of Hartford sponsors excavations in Israel, which yield 6 credits. Space is limited. For more information, call R. J. McGivney, Winterterm/Summerterm, at 860.768.4401.

Fuller descriptions of courses and concentrations are available under the Judaic Studies listing in this Bulletin. For further information regarding these subjects, foreign study in Judaic studies, or to obtain a calendar of the Maurice Greenberg Center’s events, call the center’s office at 860.768.4964.

Intercollege Cooperative Programs

Hartford Consortium for Higher Education. The University is a founding member of the Hartford Consortium for Higher Education. Founded in 1972, the consortium has been a vehicle for the development of joint programs that serve students, faculty, and the wider community. Members include Capital Community College; Central Connecticut State University; Charter Oak State College; Goodwin College; Manchester Community College;  Rensselaer at Hartford; the University of Saint Joseph; Trinity College; and the University of Connecticut, Greater Hartford campus. Hartford Seminary and St. Thomas Seminary are associate members, and Connecticut Public Broadcasting Network is an affiliate of the Consortium.

The consortium promotes cross-registration for selected courses among its member institutions as a service to undergraduate students. Cross-registration is open to all full- and part-time students registered as undergraduate or graduate students at member institutions. Undergraduate students are permitted to elect a wide range of approved courses at private member institutions, while a more limited list of courses for cross-registration is also available at Capital Community College; Central Connecticut State University; Charter Oak State College; and the University of Connecticut, Hartford campus. Courses on other campuses that have been of special interest to University of Hartford students are in the fields of the classics, modern languages and linguistics, religion, philosophy, special education, science, and African American studies.

Enrollment in consortium courses is on a space-available basis. Students pay tuition to their home institution, and fees are charged only for additional course materials and practices, such as lab fees and books. Registration forms and information may be obtained through the Registrar’s Office or through the Hartford Consortium office at www.hartfordconsortium.org.

Library facilities at consortium colleges are available jointly to registered students at all consortium institutions. Those not enrolled in the intercollegiate cross-registration program should consult the University of Hartford access services librarian for interlibrary referral forms.

Many of the community service, cultural, and social events sponsored by the consortium are open to University of Hartford students as well as students at other consortium colleges and universities.

Hebrew College. By special arrangement with the Hebrew College of Brookline, Mass., University of Hartford students are eligible to take courses at the regional branch, located in the Jewish Federation building, 333 Bloomfield Ave., West Hartford. Arrangements for handling course registration and credits are similar for courses selected under the Greater Hartford Consortium program.

Connecticut Space Grant College Consortium. The University’s commitment to science, technology, engineering and mathematics excellence is apparent as visitors enter the campus and note the office of the Connecticut Space Grant College Consortium. The Space Grant leadership is located in the College of Engineering, Technology, and Architecture. The partnership between the University of Hartford (lead institution); Central, Eastern, and Southern Connecticut State universities; Fairfield, Wesleyan and Yale universities; Trinity College; the Universities of Bridgeport, Connecticut, and New Haven; University of Connecticut Health Center; and the Connecticut Colleges of Technology seeks to further NASAs goals to inspire the pursuit and advancement of careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Scholarships, fellowships and grants are available to U.S. Citizens who are undergraduate and graduate students and faculty. Research enhancement activities include faculty forums, participation in design competitions, and access to NASA mentors at research and flight centers around the country. Public outreach programs target the involvement of traditionally underrepresented groups in STEM careers.

Further information may be found on the Consortium’s website at ctspacegrant.org, by email at ctspgrant@hartford.edu, or by calling 860-768-4813.

van Rooy Center for Complexity and Conflict Analysis. The University is home to the van Rooy Center for Complexity and Conflict Analysis. Established in 2008 through a generous gift from University of Hartford regent Jean-Pierre van Rooy and his wife, Marie-Claire, the center supports a wide range of activities related to the fields of complexity and conflict analysis. These include curricular initiatives and research, both on the graduate and undergraduate levels, and organizing conferences and seminars on complexity and conflict analysis. The center provides support for students and faculty from a wide range of disciplines across the University as they investigate problems and issues through the lens of complexity theory.

For further information about the van Rooy Center for Complexity and Conflict Analysis, call 860.768.5556 or e-mail horvath@hartford.edu.