Oct 28, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin 
2017-2018 Graduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]

Academic Regulations

Students are required to know and observe the academic regulations of the University stated on this and the following pages, and in the University of Hartford Manual of Academic Policies and Procedures, copies of which are available at the Mortensen Library. Although guidance may be provided by faculty advisors, it is the student’s individual responsibility to know the rules stated herein and the particular requirements of the school and departmental major appropriate to his or her degree program. The University accepts no responsibility for errors caused by the failure of a student to follow the appropriate rules and regulations. It is strongly recommended that when there is any doubt or question about the rules or their application, students consult with their graduate program directors, departmental chairs, or the dean’s office.


The academic year consists of the fall and spring semesters. Also scheduled are Winterterm and two summer sessions (see Academic Calendar ).


Students must be officially registered by the beginning of the first class meeting. Matriculated graduate students are expected to register continuously until graduation. The definition and policy concerning continuous registration varies by program. Pertinent information may be obtained by consulting with the graduate program directors.

Please note, all students are required to accept enrollment terms and conditions prior to registering for class. Acceptance can be done in advance through the student self-service center or will be prompted at the time of registration.

Academic Credit

The credit (often referred to as “semester hour” or “credit hour”) is the unit by which academic work is measured. In most cases, 1 credit represents satisfactory completion of the course work required for one 50-minute class meeting per week for one semester.

One credit in laboratory or studio work usually represents satisfactory completion of two or three 50-minute laboratory or studio periods per week for one semester.

The hours needed to earn credits for an internship, practicum, thesis research, or a special project vary according to graduate program.

Academic Load per Semester

Full-time status for graduate students is set at the program level with approval of the academic dean and provost. Unless otherwise indicated in the Graduate Bulletin, a minimum load of 9 credits per semester during the academic year is required to be classified as a full-time graduate student. For summer-only students, a minimum load of 6 credits is required during the summer.

Depending on the school or program in which the student is enrolled, tuition charges may be based on either a per-credit-hour rate or a fulltime graduate study rate.

For information regarding tuition and fees as they relate to academic load, please consult the Tuition and Fees  section of this Bulletin.


Regular class attendance is expected, and excessive absence, regardless of reason, may disqualify a student for course credit.

Course Numbering System

Under this numbering system, the first position identifies the course level as follows:

0 = noncredit
1, 2, 3, or 4 = undergraduate level
5 = graduate-level course that may be taken by advanced undergraduate students with special permission
6, 7, 8, or 9 = graduate-level courses open only to graduate students

The use of the second and third number positions is left to the discretion of the department except for the designations X90-X99, which are reserved for special topics courses.

Courses listed under more than one department having the same content are separated with a slash: BIO 520/PSY 571.

Hyphenated numbers designate two-semester courses, which must be taken in sequence. Code numbers separated by commas indicate that either half of the course must be taken independently. In the sections of this Bulletin that contain course descriptions, the numbers in brackets represent credits per semester. Any prerequisite or special fees for that course appear following the course description. For example:

CON 600-601 Advanced Conducting I and II [2-2] Score preparation and conducting techniques with special emphasis on the problems of major choral and instrumental compositions. Aspects of style and interpretation. Prerequisite: CON 314, 315, or 316; or equivalent.

This a graduate-level, two-semester course, carrying 2 credits each semester, and must be taken in sequence.

Noncredit Courses

When the first digit of a course number is 0, the course carries no college credit. Credit figures in parentheses are not used in calculating grade point averages or class standing. The figure in parentheses is used only for determining credit-hour load for the purposes of computing time status and the tuition-per-credit cost for parttime students, for example:

ENGH 099 [(3)] This course is a comprehensive review of English fundamentals, focusing on grammar and mechanics. It is intended to build competence and confidence with the written word and prepare students for college-level composition courses. (This course may not be used to meet the distribution requirements and does not count toward the minimum credit requirement for graduation.)

Grading System

Grades based on the following system are reported and recorded at the end of each session.

Grade Definition Grade Points per Credit Hour  



No Pass
No Grade Issued
No Report from Instructor
Intra-University Transfer
(Course exempted from grade point average computation, regardless of grade assigned)
Repeated Course Indicator



The policy for assigning plus and minus grades or grades lower than C, in schools offering graduate programs, is to be determined by the individual school or college.

Grades in the A range are excellent; in the B range, good; in the C range, mediocre; in the D range, poor; F is a failure.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average is obtained by multiplying academic credits by grade point value for the grade assigned in each course and dividing the sum of the grade points thus obtained by the total number of academic credits attempted. All courses taken and grades received at the University of Hartford that are applicable to the student’s current program or major are included in the computation of GPA. Courses marked NG, W, NP, or I are not included in the calculation of GPA (please see section on Courses Repeated). The grade point averages are calculated to the hundredth position and are not rounded.

Makeup Examinations

Students should consult their instructors for permission to take a makeup examination and for the required procedure.

A fee is required for makeup examinations (see Tuition and Fees ).

Withdrawal from Courses

All requests for withdrawal must be made in writing. Administrative withdrawal during the first 10 weeks of a semester may result from excessive absence or from other circumstances that are considered as justifying such action.

A student who withdraws or who is withdrawn from a course during the first three weeks of a regular semester is removed from the class roll and the registration is voided. Withdrawals made in the fourth through the 10th week of a regular semester course will result in a grade of W.

Thereafter, in either case, a letter grade (A-F or I) must be issued. Exceptions for cause (e.g., illness) may be initiated by the dean of the school or college in which the student is matriculated or, in the case of a nonmatriculated student, the dean of the school or college offering the course involved.

Note that refunds to students withdrawing from courses can be made only in accordance with the policy and schedule set forth in Tuition and Fees . All financial obligations not covered by the University’s refund policy must be met.

Summer: A student who withdraws or is withdrawn from a course before completion of 20 percent of the scheduled class hours of the course is removed from the class roll, and registration is voided. Withdrawal thereafter, but before completion of 50 percent of the scheduled class hours of the course, is recorded on University records as a W.

Thereafter, in either case, a letter grade (A-F or I) must be issued. Exceptions for cause (e.g., illness) may be initiated by the dean of the school or college in which the student is matriculated or, in the case of a nonmatriculated student, the dean of the school or college offering the course involved. The refund schedule for withdrawal from Summerterm courses is in Tuition and Fees 

Medical Leave and Medical-Related Course Withdrawal

Medical Leave is defined as an illness of such severity that the student can no longer attend classes, or should not have attended classes, for a particular semester or term.

Medical-Related Course Withdrawal is defined as an illness of sufficient severity as to make it necessary for the student to withdraw from one or more, but not all, courses for a particular semester or term.

Medical Leave during a Semester or Term. A student who needs a medical leave after the first 10 weeks of a semester or equivalent for a term may be granted Ws for all courses. To be granted a medical leave, the signatures of the dean of students (or designate) and the dean (or designate) of the college in which the student is matriculated are required.

Medical Leave after a Semester or Term. A student who requests a medical leave after the semester or term is completed and after grades have been issued must make such a request and provide medical documentation within 12 weeks after the semester or term in which the medical problem occurred. Students may only be granted Ws for registered courses for which grades, including I, NG, and NR, have been issued for the semester in question. Withdrawing from only some of the courses of that semester or term is not allowed. The signatures of the dean of students (or designate) and of the college dean (or designate) are required. In the case of a course taken in another college, the signature of the dean (or designate) of that college is required.

A student who was granted a medical leave and wants to return to the University must present medical documentation to the dean of students (or designate) indicating that the student is able to return. This documentation must also be presented to the dean (or designate) of the college in which the student is matriculated.

Medical-Related Course Withdrawals.

Students who wish to withdraw from one or more courses during the first 10 weeks of a semester, or equivalent for a term, may be granted Ws for those courses. To withdraw from any course for medical reasons, the signatures of the dean of students (or designate) and the dean (or designate) of the college in which the student is matriculated are required.

Students with an illness of sufficient severity as to make it necessary for them to withdraw from one or more courses from the 10th week of the semester, or equivalent for a term, to the end of classes may be granted designations of W, I, or a letter grade for those courses. In order to be granted a medical withdrawal and to receive a W on some or all courses, the signatures of the dean of students (or designate) and the dean (or designate) of the college in which the student is matriculated are required. In the case of a course taken in another college, the signature of the dean (or designate) of that college also is required. If a letter grade or an incomplete is to be granted for a course, the signature of the appropriate instructor must also be obtained.

Documentation. In order to grant a Medical Leave or allow a Medical-Related Course Withdrawal, documentation in writing must be received from a physician or mental health professional. The dean of students (or designate) and the dean (or designate) of the college in which the student is matriculated will review the documentation and agree on the appropriate action.

Signatures. When the student is unable to obtain the required signatures, the associate/ assistant dean (or designate) of the student’s college will obtain the required signatures. 

Incomplete Work

Under special conditions, individual graduate students may receive permission to complete the work of a course after the end of the semester. The graduate instructor is responsible for making such arrangements in line with the regulations of his or her department and school.

Courses Repeated

The first grade received in a repeated course will remain on the transcript record, but it will be disregarded for the purposes of grade point average calculation if the second grade received is in the range of A-F, or is a P. If any other grade is assigned for the repeated course, the grade initially earned during the first enrollment period will be used for the purposes of grade point average calculation.

Audit Status

In order to register to audit many courses, laboratories, studios, and the like, students must first receive permission from the instructor. Auditors receive no grade and no academic credit. The special fees for adult-guest and special-audit status apply only if audit status is declared at the time of initial registration for the course. These fees do not apply if the student initially registers for credit and later changes to audit status. See Tuition and Fees  for auditing fees.

A student is required to declare his or her intention to enroll on an audit basis at the time of registration for the course. An auditor may change a registration from audit to credit status if this request is made in writing on a Change of Program form within the first two weeks of the semester. Conversely, a student who wishes to change from credit to audit status must make this declaration in writing on a Change of Program form within the first 10 weeks of the semester. In summer sessions, an auditor may change a registration from audit to credit status during the first week of classes. A change from credit to audit status must be made before completion of the first 40 percent of the scheduled class hours of the course. The special fees for adult-guest and special-audit status apply only if audit status is declared at the time of initial registration for the course. These fees do not apply if the student initially registers for credit and later changes to audit status.

Requirements for Degrees

Fulfillment of graduation requirements is the student’s individual responsibility. No permission for deviation from the published requirements is official unless it is in writing and signed by the dean of the college or school.


  • Degree application accompanied by graduation fee (see Tuition and Fees )
  • Satisfactory completion of one of the prescribed curricula
  • Satisfactory completion of the residency requirement
  • Payment of all outstanding fees
  • Vote of faculty, trustees, and regents

Satisfactory Academic Progress and Good Academic Standing

Graduate students are expected to complete all requirements for their degrees within the time limits set by their program and to complete the fraction of course load specified by this unit as well. Satisfactory academic progress means that students are completing their degree requirements in an acceptable and timely manner as defined by their graduate program.

Students are said to be in good academic standing if they are completing in a timely and acceptable manner their course work, career experience, and cumulative event phases of their graduate training. Minimal GPA and times to complete other degree requirements are defined by the individual graduate programs. Final responsibility for knowing whether or not a student is making satisfactory academic progress and/or is in good academic standing rests with the student. Students who are not in good academic standing are ineligible to attend any credit classes at the University.

Application for Degree

No student is considered a degree candidate until he or she files an application for a degree on a form provided by the registrar. All applications submitted and paid by the announced date will pay a reduced fee (see Fee Schedule in Tuition and Fees  section). The date the student expects to complete degree requirements (August, December, or May) must be indicated on the application. Students who submit their applications for degree after the deadline may be omitted from the Commencement program and may have delays in the delivery of their diplomas.

Conferral of Degrees

Degrees are issued in September, January, and May. Commencement exercises are held in May, and a Fall Commencement ceremony is held in December. Students who complete their degree requirements in the summer term or the fall semester are invited to participate in the Fall Commencement program and, if they wish, may participate in the May Commencement as well. Students must file degree applications with the Registrar’s Office by the dates posted for each term in order to be awarded their degrees and to receive their diplomas. Students must also notify the registrar if they plan to attend the Fall Commencement or May Commencement ceremonies.

Diplomas will not be issued to persons either listed by the bursar as financially delinquent or required to complete federal loan exit counseling sessions.

Nonacademic Suspension and Expulsion

Students may be suspended or expelled from the University if found in violation of the Code of Student Conduct. Students who are suspended from the University must wait a minimum of one year prior to submitting an application for readmission or permission to enroll for study on a nonmatriculated basis. Students who are expelled from the University may not re enroll. Students who are suspended or expelled must leave the campus as soon as possible after the action is announced.


Students whose cumulative GPA falls below departmental standards will be given a written warning by their program and may be subject to dismissal.  Students whose cumulative GPA falls below college standards will be placed on academic probation by their program. Students who do not meet the standards for course rate completion specified above will be reviewed by the academic standing committees of their colleges and may be placed on probation. Those who are placed on probation are eligible to continue to enroll at the University.

Students who are placed on probation should consult immediately with their graduate program directors to determine the actions necessary to correct the deficiencies.

The college academic standing committees will review the records of students who have been placed on probation. Students who have corrected the deficiencies will be removed from probation. If students have not corrected the deficiencies, the academic standing committees may continue them on probation, remove them from degree candidacy, or dismiss them from the University.

Removal from Degree Candidacy

Students whose performance in a degree program indicates that there is little probability of meeting that program’s minimum requirements may be removed from degree candidacy. Students who are removed from degree candidacy are eligible to attend classes on a part-time, nonmatriculated basis and may seek to matriculate in a degree program. Students who have been removed from degree candidacy are not considered to be making satisfactory academic progress but are considered to be in good academic standing.

Academic Dismissal

Students whose GPA and/or completion rate demonstrate that there is little probability of their meeting minimum requirements in a University degree program may be academically dismissed from the University. Students who are dismissed for academic reasons forfeit academic standing and are ineligible to continue in or return to the University.

Determination of Effective Bulletin

A student’s course and departmental requirements for the degree are those stipulated in the Bulletin of the year in which he or she is matriculated, or as modified by appropriate alternatives in subsequent years (the University reserves the right, at any time, to make whatever changes may be deemed necessary). A student may adopt the requirements of any subsequent Bulletin during the period of residency, but may not elect to follow the requirements of any Bulletin prior to initial matriculation.

Transcript of Academic Work

One unofficial transcript will be issued to each member of the graduating class after graduation. Additional transcripts may be requested online through the Self-Service Center via The National Student Clearinghouse, which charges a separate processing fee. Requests for transcripts should be made a minimum of ten business days in advance. Official transcripts, bearing the University seal, are expected by most institutions and agencies to be sent directly by the University, not transmitted by the applicant.

Transcripts will not be issued for persons either listed by the bursar as financially delinquent or required to complete federal loan exit counseling sessions.

Applications for certifications and other records should be made in writing and addressed to

The Registrar
University of Hartford
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Center
200 Bloomfield Ave.
West Hartford, CT 06117

Applications should include correct remittance and should state the name and address of the official to whom the information is to be mailed