2014-2015 Undergraduate Bulletin [ARCHIVED BULLETIN]
Department of Education
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The Department of Education prepares students for careers in teaching by providing opportunities to develop critical knowledge and relevant professional skills while engaged in reflective practice. The department offers undergraduate programs in Early Childhood, Elementary and Integrated Elementary Education/Special Education. In addition to on-campus courses and learning experiences, programs in the department include service learning, internships, practica, and student teaching, conducted in conjunction with education agencies in Greater Hartford.
The College of Arts and Sciences offers a program in Secondary Mathematics Education and Secondary English Education. The Hartt School offers a program in Music Education.
The Department of Education has established dialogue groups to introduce incoming first-year and transfer students to the University of Hartford, its community, and the many educational and enrichment opportunities available to students on and off campus. A faculty advisor and a small group of students meet in informal settings at least one hour a week for 11 sessions during the fall semester to familiarize students with the University of Hartford and the Department of Education as well as to discuss educational and career goals. All students are assigned an academic advisor, and with the advisor’s help, determine a major by the beginning of their sophomore year. A close working relationship between advisor and advisee helps ensure the student’s academic success.
Transfer Students
Transfer student programs are designed individually, with consideration given to academic history and to the specific program into which a student is transferring. Transfer students may be required to spend additional semesters to complete their programs. Due to stringent state requirements for teacher certification, transfer students should plan their programs carefully and keep in regular, close contact with academic advisors to meet the college’s cumulative grade point average requirements.
Service Learning
The Department of Education and several Greater Hartford school systems have established relationships that have resulted in many innovative programs in the field of teacher education. These relationships reflect the college’s commitment to serving school and community needs by making full use of the talents of students and faculty.
Students’ involvement in service learning begins in the introductory courses and continues throughout their academic career, finishing with a culminating student teaching experience.
Teacher education programs include extended periods of integrated professional instruction and experience in local public schools, providing the opportunity for students to apply knowledge and skills.
Accreditation and Memberships
NCATE and State of Connecticut
Certification programs in the Department of Education are approved by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) as well as the State of Connecticut Department of Education.
The American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education, Connecticut chapter (CTAACTE), is an organization of colleges and universities approved for the preparation of professional personnel for the public schools. The organization meets regularly to discuss issues of mutual concern and advises the state Board of Education and the commissioner for higher education on important issues in teacher education and personnel preparation.
Admission Requirements
General requirements and procedures for admission are given here .
For admission to the Department of Education, 16 units of secondary subjects are expected and should include the following as minimal:
English |
4 units |
Social studies |
2 units |
One language |
2 units |
Science |
2 units |
Mathematics (including one unit of algebra) |
2 units |
Other academic subjects |
4 units |
Programs for Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts
The Department of Education prepares students for careers in education and human services, operating on the model of the reflective practitioner.
In the first two years, the student receives broad exposure to general or liberal arts courses and completes introductory professional preparation courses. In the third and fourth years the student concentrates on advanced courses in a chosen major and on internships in schools. The need of all teachers for a broad liberal arts education as well as sound professional preparation calls for careful planning of academic programs.
Connecticut and many other states require that the preparing institution recommend candidates for certification on the basis that they are personally and professionally qualified. Students will therefore find their knowledge, skills, and dispositions assessed throughout their programs on the basis of qualitative standards of performance in a variety of structured and unstructured experiences.
Praxis I: Pre-Professional Skills Test (PPST): Academic Skills Assessments for Prospective Teachers
The Praxis I test, (PPST and CPPST [computerized version]), has been implemented by the State of Connecticut to ensure that candidates for teacher preparation programs are competent in skills (mathematics, reading, and writing) that are considered essential for teacher education candidates. All teacher education candidates, therefore, must either achieve a satisfactory score on all three components of the Praxis I PPST exam or be eligible for and receive a Praxis I waiver (see details below). Candidates who do not meet waiver requirements must pass the Praxis I exam in order to be accepted into the professional teaching program. Students are encouraged to take the exam during the summer prior to coming to the University of Hartford or during their first year. More details about the Praxis I requirement are available from the Department of Education.
Praxis I Waiver
The Praxis I waiver may be attained if a student has achieved one of the following: (1) Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT)-administered after April 1, 1995, with a cumulative score of 1100 or better on the combined verbal and mathematics sections of the exam, provided that neither the verbal nor the mathematics subtest score is below 450; or (2) American College Test (ACT)-(a) administered after October 1989, with no less than 22 on the English subtest and 19 on the mathematics subtest, or (b) administered before October 1989, with no less than 20 on the English subtest and 17 on the mathematics subtest; or (3) Prueba de Aptitùd Acadèmica (PAA)-with submitted proof of cumulative scores equivalent to those stated for the SAT.
A waiver may be granted by furnishing the Connecticut State Department of Education with official proof of having met one of the test score requirements mentioned above. In addition to forwarding appropriate test scores, you must complete a waiver registration form as a waiver applicant. Waiver application forms are available on the Connecticut State Department of Education website: www.state.ct.us/sde.
Subject Knowledge Assessment: Selected Praxis II Tests for Prospective Teachers
Subject knowledge testing designed by the State Department of Education was instituted in 1988. Students are expected to pass an exit exam or exams in their specialty area as a condition of teacher certification. Students should consult their advisors for details.
Students must successfully complete the appropriate course work and student teaching and pass the required Praxis II specialty or subject area exam(s) prior to being considered certification program completers and before receiving an institutional endorsement for state teacher certification.
As new State of Connecticut certification regulations are implemented, students are required to meet the new standards. While each student works closely with an advisor, it is the responsibility of the student to make sure that all requirements for certification and graduation are fulfilled.
Foundations of Reading Test
As of July 1, 2009, teacher candidates in Connecticut who are applying for an Integrated Early Childhood endorsement (NK-3) or Elementary Education endorsement (K-6) are required to pass the Connecticut Foundations of Reading Test, a test of reading instruction, knowledge, and skills.
Minors in Teacher Education
For details about earning a minor in teacher education click here .
Academic Standards
Students must apply for admission to the program during the fall of their sophomore year.
Professional Program admission requirements include:
- A score report for Praxis I showing the candidate has passed all three sections (or a Praxis waiver).
- Application essay.
- Two letters of reference.
- Cumulative grade point average of 3.0 of higher.
- Documented fingerprinting by CREC.
Students must attain a grade of B or better in all required education courses. Students must earn a C or better in RPW 110 , RPW 111 , M 116, and M 118. Students failing to meet these grade requirements must retake the course. These courses must be taken for a grade only. Pass/No Pass is not acceptible.
No more then half the required All-University Curriculum (AUC) classes may be taken Pass/No Pass. In addition, students may take up to two courses on a Pass/No Pass basis in their chosen subject area or concentration. Students who opt to declare a subject-area major or minor in the College of Arts and Sciences are bound by the specific requirements of their chosen major(s).
Students must also apply for full day student teaching. In order to be eligible for full day student teaching, students must have:
- Completed the student teaching application.
- Maintained a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
- Earned a least a “B” in all Professional Program classes.
- Successfully completed all program-specific coursework and assessments.
Measures of knowledge, skills, and dispositiions will be required at the various stages of training. At any time, the department also reserves the right to delay or deny practicum, student teaching, and/or continued course work in a planned program, based on professional judgements of a student’s qualifications, competencies, and dispositions.
At the completion of teacher preparation programs, teacher candidates must have met all of the criteria for a recomendation for certification as a teacher in the state of Connecticut. Teacher candidates are required to:
- Earn at least a “B” in all Professional Program classes.
- Have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher.
- Pass all parts of Praxis II.
- Pass the Connecticut Foundations of Reading Test (for Early Childhood and Elementary Education programs).
- Successfully complete Student Teaching.
- Successfully complete all program-specific coursework and assessments.
A grade below B in any student teaching experience automatically precludes a recommendation. At any time, the department reserves the right to deny recommendation for certification based on professional judgements of a student’s qualifications, competencies, and dispositions.
ProgramsTeacher Preparation Programs
Undergraduate MajorMinorCourses
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